
Friday, February 24, 2012


It's Friday!  Normally, I am not too excited for Friday because Alan works most Saturday mornings, however he is off tomorrow and I get to hang out with friends (which I cannot wait for!).

Miss Lilly is rolling over constantly!  The problem is that she very much dislikes being on her tummy so she begins to scream.  Oh what fun.  On Tuesday she did manage to roll from back to tummy and then continue on to her back again.  I cannot believe how fast this time is going by.

The women at our church are doing Beth Moore's study on the book of James called Mercy Triumphs.  I cannot express in words how much God has used this study in my daily life.  Every day it meets me right in my place of need. Isn't it awesome how God does that?

Here is a picture, because pictures make blogs more fun.  This was taken at my nephew's first birthday party on the 18th.  

So, my hubby has started blogging and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading his thoughts on all sorts of topics as he is growing closer to God.  So proud of him!   And I should add that this is (of course) my favorite post of his: click here.  He blogs almost every day which encourages me to do it more...even if no one reads mine. (:

These last 7 to 8 months have been crazy, hard, heart wrenching, joy-filled, and stretching.  I have no doubt that we are where God wants us and he is using us for His glory.  I'll admit, it was very hard at first to see the why in us moving back home.  I have dearly loved growing closer to my sister and her family.  This is something that would not have been possible had we not moved back.

I have discovered a new love for cooking!  We are enjoying lots of homemade goodness in our house.  Funny, when you have more time than money you start to do a lot more 'homemade' things...which are actually better, in my opinion.  Chicken potpie, blueberry muffins, mac and cheese, greeting cards, um...that all I can think of at the moment, haha.  I'm getting ready to make our own laundry detergent.  I'll let you know how it turns out, and if anyone has suggestions, PLEASE share!

Next week we will tour the school we are considering sending Noah to.  It is a Christian school here in town and I am praying for God's guidance in this decision.  

Well, I did get pinched yesterday.  Around 5pm-ish it turned COLD!  And windy.  Today is not nearly as pleasant as yesterday was but the sun is shining! 

Alright, now to finish up the laundry.  How is it that the laundry is never ending?  I just don't get it.


  1. I have a recipe for liquid detergent. I think it's the Dugger's recipe. I can shoot it your way, if you need one.

  2. Every time I think I'm caught up on laundry, I have 3-4 more loads to do. UGH!

    LOVE you, and I read. :)

    1. I think laundry is my least favorite part of being a homemaker. But someone once told me that she used it as a time to thank God for the ability to do it. It sure changes my attitude if I think about it that way.

      So glad you read it! And I sure love you too!

  3. Replies
    1. Well, that is something I did not know. (: Love you!
